
Jay Park Terkesan Kematian George Floyd, Sumbang RM43,000

Penyanyi rap Jay Park mengakui terkesan dengan kematian lelaki kulit hitam, George Floyd yang dibunuh oleh anggota polis Minneapolis, minggu lalu.

Kematian George telah membangkitkan kemarahan penduduk di seluruh negara Uncle Sam itu sehingga menimbulkan kekecohan serta tunjuk perasaan.

Jay melahirkan perasaan kesalnya dengan insiden tersebut yang sering kali berlaku di kalangan orang kulit hitam yang sering didiskriminasi oleh golongan kulit putih.

“Insiden seperti ini berulang lagi, ia sangat menyedihkan. Saya sentiasa terinspirasi dengan budaya orang kulit hitam malah saya juga mempunyai ramai kawan daripada glongan tersebut.

“Sudah banyak kali insiden orang kulit hitam yang tidak bersenjata telah menemui ajal di tangan individu yang tidak bertanggungjawab,” tulisnya di Instagram.

George menemui ajal apabila lehernya ditindih oleh anggota polis yang bertugas selepas dia ditahan kerana membayar barangan yang dibeli dengan menggunakan wang palsu.

Sehubungan itu, Jay telah menyumbang kepada pertubuhan kebajikan Black Lives Matter sebanyak $AS10,000 (RM43,278) bagi membantu badan tersebut. –

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Sick of making post’s like this and sick of the same shit happening over and over again. Me being inspired by black culture aside me having black homies aside just as a man and a human being.. to think how helpless he felt and how inhumane he was treated… to think what if that was my dad, or uncle or homie makes me sick to my stomach. Countless INNOCENT UNARMED ppl losing their lives and nobody taking responsibility or being held accountable. Ppl who are supposed to protect and keep the public safe don’t even have the common sense or compassion to know if they are killing somebody innocent? Police Departments and Ppl in position of power not doing anything to provoke change.. all of it makes me sick… the whole system is corrupt… and nobody wants to admit it cause they are all afraid of taking responsibility for countless years of unjust inhumane treatment. Cant even begin fathom how fed up the black community is with so many years of abuse. I Pray to God the truth prevails and i Pray to God ppl who have compassion and empathy are put into a place of power and authority and ppl who abuse their power for their own greed and ego and to feel superior all disappear. Same for the civilians abusing their privilege calling the police and LYING. Act like some Fuckin human beings and may God have mercy on ur souls. #RIPGEORGEFLOYD

A post shared by Jay Park / 박재범 ($hway bum) (@jparkitrighthere) on

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